Andriy Kalinin
Serves in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The mountains have attracted me since childhood. I could always see their peaks and admire their distant beauty from my balcony. I was especially fascinated by the sunset, which I could see almost every evening.
My first leisure time in the mountains was a picnic with my parents, and a little later - skiing and snowboarding. However, I felt that this was not enough, and as a result, 7 years ago, I found myself on my first hike. It was March, still cold and snowy in the mountains. My equipment included “boots,” a military uniform that looked too big for me, a half-backpack sleeping bag, a yoga mat, and the cheapest tent I could find - a single-layer tent. Despite such a young tourist's kit, I was overwhelmed with impressions and was hooked on this drug - mountains, which I am not going to give up.