Ilya Boyko

Senior guide

Ілля Бойко гід GRA

A man with a sense of humor and style. It's never boring with Ilya. He has a lot of stories and adventures in store for you, which are always interesting to listen to. He loves traveling, various intellectual quests and board games...

He speaks modestly about himself: “I am an eternal traveler”. I love winter and don't like to stay at home - traveling is my everything. I have been going to the mountains for many years and during this time I managed to see their true beauty. I plan to further develop in tourism, explore new routes and become a great mountain guide whom you can trust with your life.

Let's meet somewhere in the mountains

Traveling with Ilya

Registration ends 16.09.2024

Madeira - Portugal

Date iconStart date: 05.10.2025 (8 days)
Price icon1100 €
Group emount iconGroup size: 6
Difficulty iconComplexity:
Difficulty iconComfort:
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